WCPS will operate on a 2-Hour Delay on Tuesday, January 7, 2025. We have had multiple folks checking roads across the county this afternoon -- kudos to VDOT for getting roads in such good shape! As a result, our current plan is to operate on the two hour delayed schedule. We will reevaluate roads in the morning as temperatures are predicted to fall, with the potential for roads to ice over. Childcare will be provided at all elementary schools for working families who need it. Childcare will also be available in the event that we need to close in the morning (a decision will be made by 7:00 a.m.) There will be no virtual option tomorrow. Please be on the lookout for additional childcare information from your student's elementary school. Be safe and stay warm!

2-Hour Delay for Tuesday, January 7, 2025
January 6, 2025